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EDC Systems Technology

Optimizing data accuracy and accessibility through advanced data monitoring technology

At ethica CRO, we understand that collecting and managing vast amounts of data can be challenging, especially if your study is conducted at multiple sites. It is therefore essential to the integrity of your data that this information be stored in one accessible, centralized database.

Implementing an Electronic Data Capture (EDC) system in your study will allow:

Real-time, remote access to your study data by relevant parties

Constant monitoring of your study data to ensure that it is clean and error-free

Protection of participant information through EDC’s secure technology

Do you want to explore EDC options for your clinical study?

These objectives may be reached by employing an EDC platform specially designed to suit the requirements of your research program. This will provide trial monitors and study sites with immediate, transparent, and convenient access to your data throughout the lifecycle of your study.

Thanks to EDC’s advanced and secure technology, you can trust that the data being collected is also accurate and free of errors.

Our EDC Systems

Our clinical and data management staff is highly trained in the implementation and use of a multitude of EDC systems. Depending on the design, logistical requirements, and budget of your study, we will guide you in the selection of the most appropriate and cost-effective Electronic Data Capture platform for your clinical trial study.

We have expertise with the following EDC platforms:

EDC Platforms

  • Medrio
  • IBM Clinical Development
  • Medidata Rave
  • Dacima
  • ClinPlus
  • OpenClinica
  • Oracle InForm

Our Electronic Data Capture Approach

Our EDC Policies

At ethica CRO, we have substituted the traditional paper-based data collection method with the use of a client-centered, time-efficient, and environmentally friendly range of EDC platforms. The use of an EDC system will ultimately allow you to optimize data accuracy, accelerate the research process, and decrease your time to market.

While drafting your study’s Monitoring Plan, we will work with you to select the most suitable and cost-effective EDC platform for your study. Throughout your study’s lifecycle, our data management team will actively monitor risks, manage data queries, and remotely identify inconsistent data, outliers, potential protocol deviations, and site performance issues.

Thanks to EDC’s advanced technology and our pre-emptive data monitoring approach, risks of harm can be detected early, thus allowing for the timely implementation of appropriate intervention strategies. By adhering to these principles, we can ensure that your data is continuously accurate so that your study may reach its full potential.