Data Visualization Technology for Clinical Trials
Your clinical trial is going to generate vast amounts of data and documentation. Your CRO’s ability to respond, in real-time, to the waves of incoming data and information has a major impact on your study’s success.
Throughout the study lifecycle, ethica CRO employs advanced data visualization techniques to create the metrics required to optimally and efficiently manage data cleaning, site monitoring, and documentation collection/cataloguing.
ethica CRO’s intelligent workflows and processes allow us to discover and act upon trends and problem issues, while simultaneously providing stakeholders with a comprehensive view of study performance through customized data dashboards with 24-hour access.
Our advanced data visualization technologies will provide for:

Improved making throughout the study lifecycle

Enhanced trial performance through centralized data and targeted site monitoring

24/7 secure Sponsor access to real-time study metrics
Do you want to learn more about how advanced data visualization can benefit your study?
By harnessing the power of data visualization and statistical data monitoring, ethica CRO’s data management teams can identify inconsistencies between related variables that are difficult or impossible to uncover using traditional and/or manual data cleaning methods. As a result, we have dramatically transformed and automated our data cleaning and querying processes, thus enabling ethica CRO’s project team to resolve queries faster and more efficiency.
Our Data Visualization Technology
With access to real-time study metrics and data, our project teams are constantly aware and updated regarding pending and missing documentation in the eTMF, site performance issues, and data gathering and recording deficiencies. Audience-specific progress reports also become readily available (e.g. overall study status reports, DSMB reports, Medical Monitor reviews, regulatory updates and submissions, Sponsor updates, protocol deviation/violation status, etc.).
At ethica CRO, we employ the following technological resources and platforms to pull in real-time data:
- Study-specific dashboards employing R programming
- Electronic Data Capture (EDC/eCRF)
- eTMF
- ePRO
- Electronic research participant diaries
Our Data Visualization Approach
Beyond the obvious advantages our data visualization and statistical monitoring capabilities provides to our data management teams (e.g., minimal time required to identify data patterns, uncover data anomalies and inconsistencies, etc.), our innovative data visualization approach reaches far-beyond typical data quality assessments.
Our Data Visualization Process
ethica CRO will guide you in the selection of the most appropriate data visualization parameters to fit your study objectives and requirements.
Through a secure portal, we will provide you with customized data dashboards suitable to your study’s needs and budget. You will be enabled to visualize and interpret your data in multiple formats (e.g., interactive charts and graphs, static and dynamic filters) as well as to track adverse events, data outliers, missing data, data discrepancies, deviations/violations, etc. You can be offered much of the same data visualization accessed by ethica CRO’s project teams. With appropriate consideration of the study protocol, blinding restrictions, and the phase/type of study, you are able to continuously observe and supervise study progress and even execute in-depth reviews of site and CRO performance. Assuming that such access does not conflict with regulatory or statistical analysis restrictions, you can even observe how your study data evolves over time.
Even if risk-based monitoring is not employed for your study, our technologies are always employed by our project teams when conducting remote site monitoring. Through efficient remote monitoring, our project teams can proactively resolve study performance and data issues between onsite visits, thus streamlining and reducing onsite CRA workflows. Not only does this increase CRA onsite efficiency but can also reduce the number of monitoring visits required for your study.
Lastly, at the push of a button, you can access real-time “presentation ready” reports enabling you to provide comprehensive study updates to your management at a moment’s notice.